
OCC: FFIEC’s 2023 “A Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting It Right!” Released

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is announcing the issuance of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) revised “A Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting It Right!” (2023 guide). The 2023 guide provides resources to help banks1 comply with the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and Regulation C, its implementing regulation (12 CFR…

Census Bureau: New “Community Resilience Estimates for Heat” Experimental Data Product Released

The U.S. Census Bureau today released a new data product, the experimental Community Resilience Estimates (CRE) for Heat. Community resilience is the capacity of individuals and households within a community to absorb the external stresses of a disaster. While the standard Community Resilience Estimates (CRE) measures the social vulnerability that inhibits community resilience, the experimental CRE for Heat measures social…

Census Bureau: New Journey-to-Work Report Released

The U.S. Census Bureau today released a report describing trends in working from home before and after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States in March 2020. The report, Home-Based Workers and the COVID-19 Pandemic, uses 2019 and 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates to compare teleworking sociodemographic, geographic and occupational patterns the year before…

HUD: Action Taken to Highlight and Research Land Use and Zoning Reforms

Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a new publication that summarizes the effects of restrictive land use policies on housing supply, location and affordability in addition to highlighting reforms that state and local governments can adopt to increase the supply of housing. This land use and zoning-focused brief is the…

ABA: Report Finds Bank Economists Expect Slowing Economic Growth to Tighten Credit Conditions

Bank economists expect credit conditions to weaken over the next six months as economic growth slows and interest rates trend higher, according to the American Bankers Association’s latest Credit Conditions Index released today. The latest summary of ABA’s Credit Conditions Index examines a suite of indices derived from the quarterly outlook for credit markets produced by ABA’s…

FDIC: Consumer Compliance Supervisory Highlights Including CRA Issued

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) issued the March 2023 edition of the Consumer Compliance Supervisory Highlights. The purpose of this publication is to enhance transparency regarding the FDIC’s consumer compliance supervisory activities and to provide a high–level overview of consumer compliance issues identified in 2022 through the FDIC’s supervision of state non–member banks and thrifts….

Census Bureau: Public Input Requested on Proposed Disclosure Avoidance Measures for the County Business Patterns Program

The U.S. Census Bureau published a Federal Register Noticeinviting the public to review and submit feedback on proposed modernized disclosure avoidance methods for 2022 County Business Patterns (CBP) data. The 60-day comment period will close June 2. The Census Bureau is hosting a webinar for the public about its disclosure avoidance methods and how they apply…

OCC: Mortgage Performance Report for Fourth Quarter 2022 Released

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) reported a slight decline in the performance of first-lien mortgages in the federal banking system during the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter. The OCC Mortgage Metrics Report, Fourth Quarter 2022 showed that 97.1 percent of mortgages included in the report were current and performing…

HUD: $5.5 Million Awarded to HBCUs to Conduct Housing and Community Development Research

Funding a part of HUD efforts to diversify housing research Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced awards totaling $5.5 million for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to Texas Southern University and North Carolina A&T University to establish or bolster existing Centers of Excellence (COE) that conduct housing and community…