EDA: $2.8 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance Invested to Support Economic Growth and Resiliency Efforts in Missouri
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding $2.8 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance grants to help the state of Missouri prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. “EDA is committed to helping communities across the nation implement strategies to mitigate economic hardships brought on by the coronavirus pandemic,” said…
EDA: $2.4 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance to Expand Manufacturing Skills Programs at Alpena Community College in Michigan
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $2.4 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to Alpena Community College, Alpena, Michigan, to renovate space on campus to create an advanced manufacturing lab and an updated welding shop. This EDA grant, to be matched with $600,000 in local investment, is expected…
EDA: $2.4 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance Invested to Establish a Revolving Loan Fund to Serve Businesses in Northwest Ohio
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $2.4 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority, Toledo, Ohio, to create a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) that will provide critical gap financing to coronavirus-impacted small businesses in Lucas, Ottawa and Wood counties. This EDA grant, to…
EDA: $2 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance Invested to Boost Telehealth Workforce Training Efforts at Des Moines University in Iowa
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $2 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to Des Moines University Osteopathic Medicine Center, Des Moines, Iowa, to purchase equipment for the university’s planned state-of-the-art telehealth training center. This EDA grant, to be matched with $2.1 million in local investment, is expected…
EDA: $2 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance Invested to Support Businesses by Improving Lee Boulevard in Lawton, OK
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $2 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to the city of Lawton, Oklahoma, to make roadway improvements to Lee Boulevard to improve access to the Lawton Industrial Park, Great Plains Technology Institute, and Southwest Medical Center. The EDA grant, to be matched…
EDA: $1.2 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance Invested to Capitalize Revolving Loan Fund to Serve Businesses in Southwest Montana
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $1.2 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to the Northern Rocky Mountain Economic Development District, Bozeman, Montana, to capitalize and administer a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) that will provide critical gap financing to businesses adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Gallatin…
Census Bureau: Data Collection Begins for Phase 4 of Small Business Pulse Survey
In response to the significant and continuing economic disruptions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic and the urgent need for data, the U.S. Census Bureau launched a fourth phase of the Small Business Pulse Survey (SBPS) with data collection on Feb. 15. This experimental survey was designed to measure temporal economic trends in the nation’s small…
HUD: Extensions and Expansion of COVID-19 Homeowner Relief and Home Retention Measures Announced
Extensions and expansions support the immediate and ongoing needs of homeowners who are experiencing economic impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. To provide urgent economic relief to homeowners impacted by COVID-19, today the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced extensions of the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) foreclosure and eviction moratoriums, as well…
SBA: $200 Billion Milestone Reached for Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program to Small Businesses and Non-Profits
Today, the U.S. Small Business Administration reached a milestone in the success of the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, which has provided U.S. small businesses, non-profits, and agricultural businesses a total of $200 billion in emergency funding. “Following the enactment of COVID-19 emergency legislation, the SBA has now provided more than 3.7 million small businesses…
Federal Reserve: FEDS Notes | The Effects of COVID-19 as Reported by Local Communities
Author: Andrew Dumont1 Since early-April 2020, the Community Development function of the Federal Reserve Board and the twelve Federal Reserve Banks have, approximately every eight weeks, surveyed key stakeholders in local communities across the United States to learn about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting their community. Survey respondents have included representatives from local, state…