EDA: $2.5 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance Invested to Renovate Northwest Medical Center in Winfield, AL
Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo announced that the Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $2.5 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to Healthcare Authority of Winfield, Winfield, Alabama, to renovate Northwest Medical Center. This EDA grant, matched by $1.5 million in local funds, is expected to generate nearly $2 million…
SBA: “Getting Bank on Track: Help Is Here” Webinar Series Launched to Help America’s Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Today, the U.S. Small Business Administration and the non-profit Public Private Strategies Institute will launch a new regional webinar series, “Getting Back on Track: Help is Here,” to provide Main Street entrepreneurs with the information and resources they need to continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The educational webinars will feature speakers from The White House, the SBA,…
Census Bureau: Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.1 Biweekly Data Released
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 3.1 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey. Phase 3.1 includes substantial revisions to the questionnaire. Additional questions address the following new topics: disability, child health access, telehealth and child care. Also included are demographic questions to identify service members and military spouses, and questions to classify respondents employed…
SBA: Last Call for Restaurant Revitalization Fund Applications
Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman announced that eligible eating establishments have until Monday, May 24, 8 p.m. ET, to submit applications to the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. “If our nation’s food and beverage industry is going to fully recover, we must ensure as many of the hardest-hit businesses get the economic aid they need,” said Administrator Guzman….
OCC: Report Examines Key Risks, Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Federal Banking System
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today reported the key issues facing the federal banking system and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the federal banking industry in its Semiannual Risk Perspective for Spring 2021. Banks maintained sound capital and liquidity levels but profitability remains stressed due to low interest rates and…
FEMA: Operational Guidance for Disaster Response and Recovery in Pandemic Environment Announced
For the second year in a row, FEMA is prepared to respond to disasters as the nation continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. FEMA released the “COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance: All-Hazards Incident Response and Recovery,” a document aimed at helping emergency managers plan for disaster response and recovery, while adhering to public health guidelines…
Census Bureau: Small Business Pulse Survey Phase 5 Begins
The U.S. Census Bureau today announced the beginning of data collection for Phase 5 of the Small Business Pulse Survey (SBPS). This experimental survey was designed to measure temporal economic trends in the nation’s small businesses and provide insight into the scope of impact of the pandemic response in the United States. No significant changes were made…
SBA: $2.7 Million Grant Awarded for Women’s Business Center Resiliency and Recovery Demonstration
SBA Funding to Support WBC Network COVID-19 Program Innovations The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Office of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO) is accepting applications for the Women’s Business Centers (WBC) Resiliency and Recovery Demonstration Grant. The purpose of this opportunity is to continue or establish innovative projects that aim to improve service delivery, training, and support provided to women-owned businesses…
Federal Reserve: Report Issued on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households
in the fourth quarter of 2020, nearly one-fourth of adults said that they were worse off financially compared to a year earlier, reflecting the economic fallout and distress resulting from the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Federal Reserve Board’s report, Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2020, which was released on Monday, found a larger share of adults…
Federal Reserve: Third Extension Announced of Rule to Bolster the Effectiveness of the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program
The Federal Reserve Board on Friday announced the third extension of a rule to bolster the effectiveness of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Like the earlier extensions, this one will temporarily modify the Board’s rules so that certain bank directors and shareholders can apply to their banks for PPP loans for…