OCC: Research on Emerging Risks in the Banking System Solicited
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is soliciting academic research papers on emerging risks in the banking system or related policy and supervisory issues for submission by March 3, 2023. The OCC will invite authors of selected papers to present to OCC staff and invited academic and government researchers at OCC Headquarters…
OCC: Registration for OCC Symposium on Bank Mergers Opened
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today announced registration is open for its symposium on bank mergers February 10, 2023, at its headquarters in Washington, D.C. The symposium will include panel discussions among thought leaders, academics, community groups, and the banking industry on bank mergers and is open to the public for…
OCC: Revisions to Fair Lending Booklet Issued
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today issued a revised version of the “Fair Lending” booklet of the Comptroller’s Handbook. The “Fair Lending” booklet provides information and examination procedures to assist OCC examiners in assessing fair lending risk and evaluating compliance with the Fair Housing Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), and…
OCC: Annual Report for 2022 Released
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today published its 2022 Annual Report. The OCC Annual Report provides Congress with an overview of the condition of the federal banking system, discusses the OCC’s strategic priorities and initiatives, and shares the agency’s financial management and condition. The report specifically highlights the OCC’s work to…
Agencies Issue Joint Statement on Crypto-Asset Risks to Banking Organizations
Federal bank regulatory agencies today issued a statement highlighting key risks for banking organizations associated with crypto-assets and the crypto-asset sector and describing the agencies’ approaches to supervision in this area. In particular, the statement describes several key risks associated with crypto-assets and the crypto-asset sector, as demonstrated by the significant volatility and vulnerabilities over…
FFIEC: Federal Bank Regulatory Agencies Release 2021 Small Business, Small Farm and Community Development Lending Data
The federal bank regulatory agencies, as members of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), today released data on small business, small farm, and community development lending during 2021. The Community Reinvestment Act regulations require the agencies to annually disclose these data. The FFIEC also prepared aggregate disclosure statements of small business and small farm…
OCC: New Report Shows Improvement in Overall Mortgage Performance During Third Quarter 2022
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) reported that the performance of first-lien mortgages in the federal banking system improved during the third quarter of 2022. The OCC Mortgage Metrics Report, Third Quarter 2022 showed that 97.2 percent of mortgages included in the report were current and performing at the end of the quarter, compared…
OCC: New Report Highlights Key Risks Facing Federal Banking System
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today reported the key issues facing the federal banking system in its Semiannual Risk Perspective for Fall 2022. Economic growth slowed sharply in 2022, while high employment rates supported consumer spending and overall bank performance. Banks, in aggregate, remain well capitalized and with ample liquidity and sound…
OCC: First and Second Quarter 2023 CRA Evaluation Schedule Issued
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today released its schedule of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) evaluations to be conducted in the first and second quarters of 2023. The OCC encourages public comment on the national banks and federal savings associations (collectively, banks) scheduled to be evaluated under the CRA. Public comments should…