Native American

HUD: Assistance Announced for Arkansas in Wake of Severe Storms and Tornadoes

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced the implementation of federal disaster relief for the state of Arkansas to assist state, and local recovery efforts for areas affected by severe storms and tornadoes on March 31, 2023. On April 2, 2023 President Biden issued a major disaster declaration for the counties of Cross,…

HUD: Assistance Announced for Mississippi in Wake of Tornadoes

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced the implementation of federal disaster relief for the state of Mississippi to assist state, tribal, and local recovery efforts for areas affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes beginning March 24 to March 25, 2023. On March 26, 2023, President Biden issued a major disaster…

EDA: U.S. Department of Commerce Funds Eight Communities of Practice to Bolster Economic Competitiveness and Resiliency

Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) had completed awarding $27.9 million in cooperative agreements to establish eight economic development Communities of Practice. Communities of practice are designed to connect participants to capture and disseminate practical knowledge. Each Community of Practice supported through these EDA awards will…

CDFI Fund: Annual Compliance, Certification and Reporting Obligations Reminder

Are you the Authorized Representative of an organization that has received a Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Award (CDFI Fund) Award and/or Allocation? If so, don’t forget that in order to maintain compliance with your Assistance and/or Allocation Agreement(s) you must complete and submit the annual compliance report(s) as specified in your agreement(s). Failure to…

CDFI Fund: Public Comments Requested on CDFI Program and NACA Program Applications

Input Needed on Revised FY 2023-2025 Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance Applications The U.S. Department of the Treasury, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork…

HUD: More than $794 Million Awarded for Affordable Housing Activities in Native American Communities

Funds support development and operation of low-income housing Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced more than $794 million in Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) formula funding for eligible Native American Tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) to carry out affordable housing activities in Tribal communities. Click here to…

CDFI Fund: $194 Million Awarded to Spur CDFI Investment in Distressed and Underserved Areas Across the Nation

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) awarded 252 Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) $194.1 million in Financial Assistance (FA) awards today. The awards, through the fiscal year (FY) 2022 round of the Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) and the Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program),…

FEMA: Twenty Tribes and All Inhabited U.S. Territories Now Eligible for FEMA’s Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund Grant Program

FEMA is expanding the eligibility for a new grant program that provides capitalization grants to fund revolving loans for resilience-related activities. The Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund grant program has been expanded to give insular areas the same eligibility to apply as states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. This means American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana…

HUD: Expanded Support Proposed for Housing Counseling Services Tailored to the Needs of Tribal Communities

Proposed rule seeks to expand Tribal participation in HUD-approved housing counseling by removing unique impediments to counselor certification. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Housing Counseling is announcing today that it published a proposed rule in the Federal Register outlining housing counselor certification requirements for housing counseling conducted in connection with the Indian Housing…

HUD: Rule Change on Rental Housing Assistance Proposed for Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Program

Proposed Rule Would Provide Clarity, Make Rental Assistance and Affordable Housing Opportunities More Available to Native Hawaiian Families This week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued a proposed rule to expand rental assistance to Native Hawaiian families under the department’s Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant (NHHBG) program. Under the proposed rule,…