
CDFI Fund: Annual CIIS Public Data on CDFI Program Recipient Reporting Released

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) released today twelve years of data provided by Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) through its data collection system, known as the Community Investment Impact System (CIIS). The data collected covers fiscal years (FY) 2003 through 2014. The release contains Institution Level Report (ILR) data on 777 CDFIs…

FDIC: Small Business Lending Survey Initiated

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today announced the launch of a survey of banks regarding their small business lending practices. The web-based survey of roughly 2,000 randomly selected FDIC-insured banks will begin in late June and will be administered by the U.S. Census Bureau on behalf of the FDIC. The Small Business Lending Survey…

ABA: First-Time Homebuyers – 6 Tips to Save for the House of Your Dreams

WASHINGTON — According to a 2015 BMO Harris report, 52 percent of Americans plan to buy a home in the next five years. Saving for a down payment, typically between 5 to 20 percent of the home’s value, is one of the biggest challenges for those aspiring homebuyers. In recognition of American Housing Month, the…

CFPB: 3 Things You Consider Before Co-Signing for an Auto Loan

Young adults with limited or spotty credit histories often ask older family members, such as a parent or grandparent, to co-sign for a loan to help them buy a vehicle. However, co-signing for an auto loan includes real risks and responsibilities. If you’ve been asked to co-sign a loan, you can use or share our…

OCC: Newsletter Focuses on Financing Community Health Centers

WASHINGTON — The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today published the latest edition of its Community Developments Investments electronic newsletter entitled “Financing Health Centers: Supporting Community Wellness.” The articles in this edition of Community Developments Investments provide an in-depth look at bank financing of federally funded health centers that serve economically disadvantaged communities. Federally funded community…

ABA: 6 Questions Millennials Should Consider During American Housing Month

WASHINGTON — Millennials looking to make their next housing move face a tough decision – to rent as prices continue to soar but with the flexibility to come and go, or to commit to the world of homeownership and all of its demands while interest rates are near historic lows.  In recognition of American Housing…