
FHFA: Request Issued for Input on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Credit Score Requirements

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today issued a Request for Input (RFI) to obtain feedback about the operational and competition considerations of changing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) current credit score requirements.  The credit scores being evaluated by FHFA and the Enterprises are Classic FICO, FICO 9 and VantageScore 3.0.  The Enterprises…

FEMA: Direct Leasing Options Fact Sheet

The Texas General Land Office (GLO) is asking for your help in providing housing solutions for eligible Texans displaced from their permanent residences by Hurricane Harvey. The GLO is administering temporary housing leasing through the Direct Leasing and Multi-Family Lease and Repair (MLR) programs for eligible Texans unable to return to their homes until they…

FDIC: History of the Agency’s Response to the Financial Crisis Publication Released

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on Monday released a history of the financial crisis focusing on the agency’s response and lessons learned from its experience. Crisis and Response: An FDIC History, 2008–2013 reviews the experience of the FDIC during a period in which the agency was confronted with two interconnected and overlapping crises—first, the…

FHFA: Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Underserved Markets Plans for Duty to Serve Program Published

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today published Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) Underserved Markets Plans for 2018-2020 under the Duty to Serve program.  The Plans become effective January 1, 2018. FHFA issued a final rule on December 13, 2016 to implement the Duty to Serve provisions mandated by the Housing and Economic…

Federal Reserve: Regulation C Repealed and Public Comment Sought on Proposed Revisions to Regulation M

The Federal Reserve Board on Monday announced the repeal of one regulation and the revision of a second to reflect the transfer of certain consumer protection rulewriting authority to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The Board is publishing a final rule to repeal Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure), which has been superseded by final…

CFPB: 5 Financial New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again. A brand new year and time when we talk about our resolutions to better ourselves at work, home, and in many other ways. This year, why not add a financial goal to your resolution list? Even if you’re not the type to make an “official” New Year’s resolution, here…

HUD: New FHA Loan Limits for 2018 Announced

Loan limits to increase in more than 3,000 counties The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) today announced the agency’s new schedule of loan limits for 2018, with most areas in the country to experience an increase in loan limits in the coming year. These loan limits are effective for FHA case numbers assigned on or after…

HUD: FHA to Halt Insuring Mortgage with PACE Assessments

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) today announced it is reversing a short-lived policy announced in July of 2016 and will no longer insure new mortgages on properties that include Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) assessments. Read FHA’s mortgagee letter. FHA’s decision is part of a larger effort to protect the health of its Single Family…