HUD: Eviction Prevention and Stability Toolkit Released in Latest COVID-19 Response Effort

Toolkit is the most recent effort by the Department to identify individuals who have felt the economic impact of Coronavirus and provide a range of resources to support housing stability U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced the “Eviction Prevention and Stability Toolkit” to encourage Public Housing Authorities (PHA)…

HUD: More than $15 Million Awarded to Native American Tribes to Support Coronavirus Efforts

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded $15 million to Tribes across the Nation as part of HUD’s Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Imminent Threat program, which provides funding to help address problems that pose an imminent threat to public health or safety of Tribal residents. This funding will specifically…

HUD: Equal Access Rule Updated to Return Decision Making to Local Shelter Providers Regarding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Rule upholds Department’s commitment to fair treatment of all individuals while allowing shelter providers to establish an admissions policy that best serves their unique communities  U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced a proposed modification to the 2016 portion of the Equal Access rule. The Equal Access rule requires…

HUD: Over $40 Million Awarded to Fight Housing Discrimination

Grants to support and promote fair housing nationwide  The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded $40.8 million to support dozens of fair housing organizations working to help end housing discrimination (see grant chart below for full list of recipients). These funds are provided through the Department’s Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) both to…

HUD: Nearly $1 Million in CARES Act Funding Awarded to 19 State and Local Fair Housing Organizations

The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced today that it is awarding $962,160 in funding to HUD Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) agencies in New York, Louisiana, Rhode Island, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, California, Texas, Indiana, Florida, Nebraska, Hawaii, South Carolina, Maryland, Michigan, Connecticut, and New Jersey to support activities related to COVID-19. The awards…

HUD: Secretary Carson Announces New Foster Youth Housing Vouchers for Nine States

23 Vouchers Awarded to 9 States U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced nearly $200,000 in the most recent round of grants for HUD’s Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative. Nine housing authorities will receive this funding continuing HUD’s efforts to assist young adults transitioning out of foster care….

HUD and Census Bureau: New Residental Sales Report for May 2020

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential sales statistics for May 2020: New Home Sales Sales of new single-family houses in May 2020 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 676,000. This is 16.6 percent (±15.5 percent)* above the revised April…

HUD: White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council Delivers Report to President Trump

Report Outlines Best Practices and Features Examples of Community Revitalization Occurring Across the Nation in Opportunity Zones Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Chairman of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council (Council), delivered a report this month to President Donald J. Trump outlining Opportunity Zone best practices and…

HUD: More than $35 Million Awarded to 31 Local HIV/AIDS Housing Programs

Funding offers stable housing for individuals and families at risk of homelessness The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced more than $35.8 million to assist more than 2,856 low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families over a three-year period. The funding announced today is offered through HUD’s Housing Opportunities for Persons…

HUD: FHA Extends Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium for Single Family Homeowners for Additional Two Months

Extension Through August 31, 2020, Provides More Security for Homeowners Impacted by the Coronavirus Outbreak Today, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) announced a two-month extension of its foreclosure and eviction moratorium through August 31, 2020, for homeowners with FHA-insured Single Family mortgages. This extension provides additional security and peace of mind to homeowners that they will not…