HUD: Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity Joins the Fair Housing Assistance Program

The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced today that the Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity (GCEO) is joining the Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) as an Interim Certified agency. GCEO is a state-level fair housing enforcement agency and is the only organization of its type serving the state. HUD’s Fair Housing Assistance Program comprises…

HUD: $100 Million in CARES Act Funding Provided to Native American Tribes to Support Coronavirus Recovery Efforts

Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson announced that HUD has awarded a total of $100 million to Tribes across the Nation as part of HUD’s Indian Community Development Block Grant Imminent Threat program (ICDBG-CARES). This funding helps address problems that pose an imminent threat to public health or…

HUD: FHA Extends Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium for Homeowners through Year End

Third extension will allow FHA-insured homeowners economically impacted by COVID-19 to focus on financial recovery Today, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) announced the third extension of its foreclosure and eviction moratorium through December 31, 2020, for homeowners with FHA-insured single family mortgages covered under the Coronavirus Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This extension provides an additional…

HUD: Disaster Assistance Announced for California Wildfire Victims

Foreclosure protection offered to displaced families  The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced it will speed federal disaster assistance to the State of California and provide support to homeowners and low-income renters forced from their homes in areas affected by the wildfires. On August 22nd, President Trump issued a major disaster declaration for…

HUD & Census Bureau: New Residental Sales Report Released for July 2020

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential sales statistics for July 2020: New Home Sales Sales of new single-family houses in July 2020 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 901,000. This is 13.9 percent (±20.0 percent)* above the revised June…

HUD: New Report Shows Opportunity Zones on Track to Lift One Million Americans Out of Poverty

Poverty rate to be reduced by 11% in Opportunity Zones through billions in investment and new job opportunities The White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) yesterday delivered a Progress Report on President Trump’s Opportunity Zones initiative to White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council Chairman Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development….

HUD: Guidance Issued for Coronavirus Relief Funds

Department working with states and local units of governments to aid vulnerable populations amid outbreak U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today provided guidance and additional flexibility to states and units of local government who are utilizing their existing federal disaster recovery funds to support low- and moderate-income persons and…

HUD: FHA Launches Technology Module for Single Family Appraisals

New electronic appraisal delivery technology uses cloud-based platform for forward mortgage appraisal submissions  The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) today announced the upcoming release of its FHA Catalyst: Electronic Appraisal Delivery module on the FHA Catalyst platform. FHA Catalyst: Electronic Appraisal Delivery will allow lenders to electronically submit, track, and manage single family property appraisals. “Transforming FHA technology is the…

HUD and Census Bureau: Residential Construction Activity Report for July 2020 Issued

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential construction statistics for July 2020. Building Permits Privately owned housing units authorized by building permits in July were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,495,000. This is 18.8 percent (±1.1 percent) above the revised…

HUD: New Uses for Communities’ Coronavirus Relief Funds Approved

New flexibilities allow communities to effectively use over 3 billion in HUD relief funds  U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced new flexibilities states and local government can use in order to best utilize Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV) funds appropriated by the CARES Act, as well as other…