HUD: Nearly $165 Million Awarded to Protect Families from Lead and Other Home Health and Safety Hazards

Funding to make low-income families’ homes safer and healthier The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded nearly $165 million to 44 state and local government agencies in 23 states to protect children and families from lead-based paint and home health hazards. HUD is providing these grants through its Lead Based Paint Hazard…

HUD: Over $500,000 in CARES Act Funds Awarded to 15 State and Local Fair Housing Organizations

The Department of Housing and Urban Development today announced over half a million dollars in additional funding to HUD Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) agencies in 12 states to support activities related to COVID-19. These awards are part of $1.5 million in Partnership and Special Enforcement Effort funds provided through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and…

HUD: Disaster Assistance Announced for Victims of Oregon Wildfires

Foreclosure protection offered to displaced families The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced federal disaster assistance for the State of Oregon to provide support to homeowners and low-income renters displaced from their homes in areas affected by wildfires and straight-line winds. On September 15th, President Trump issued a major disaster declaration for the…

Census Bureau: 2019 American Housing Survey Data Now Available

Today the U.S. Census Bureau and Department of Housing and Urban Development released new housing data from the 2019 American Housing Survey (AHS) through the AHS Table Creator. The interactive data tool allows users to create custom tables of housing and demographic estimates for the nation, nine states and 25 metropolitan areas. The biennial AHS is the nation’s…

HUD and Census Bureau: New American Housing Survey Released

2019 survey provides pre-pandemic insights on home accessibility, food security, and housing costs According to the new 2019 American Housing Survey (AHS) released today by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of American renter households spending 30 percent or more of their income on housing…

HUD: Secretary Carson Announces Expansion of HUD’s “Moving to Work” Demonstration

Department invites 100 additional Housing Authorities to join the program over next two years During his remarks at the Public Housing Authorities Directors Association’s (PHADA) 2020 Legislative Conference, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson announced that the Department is expanding its Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration, which invites 100 additional…

HUD: Nearly $2 Billion Awarded in CARES Act Relief Funds Focusing on Communities with Higher Risk of Eviction

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson today announced the allocation of the remaining $1.988 billion in CARES Act funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The allocation focuses funds towards places with households facing higher risk of eviction. To date, HUD has provided nearly $5 billion in CDBG funding nationwide…

HUD: Flexibilities Provided for Emergency Solutions Grants Program CARES Act Funds

Department working with states and local units of governments to aid vulnerable populations amid outbreak United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today provided the additional requirements and flexibilities for the $3.96 billion provided to states and units of local government for the Emergency Solutions Grants Program under the CARES Act (ESG-CV)….

HUD: Localities Urged to Prevent Evictions by Using CARES Act Grant Funds

Rental assistance to prevent evictions is an allowable use of the $7 billion in HUD CARES Act funds Consistent with President Trump’s Executive Order “Fighting the Spread of COVID-19 by Providing Assistance to Renters and Homeowners”, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has reiterated the Trump Administration’s commitment to minimize displacement and evictions resulting…

HUD: Disaster Assistance Announced for Victims of Hurricane Laura

Foreclosure protection offered to displaced families  The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced federal disaster assistance for the State of Louisiana to provide support to homeowners and low-income renters displaced from their homes in areas affected by Hurricane Laura. On August 28th, President Trump issued a major disaster declaration for the following parishes…