HUD: FHA Extends Options for Single Family Borrowers Financially Impacted by COVID-19
Extensions ensure borrowers can continue to seek assistance and avoid eviction and foreclosure while maintaining temporary policy flexibilities for lenders and servicers Today, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) announced it is extending the foreclosure and eviction moratorium for single family FHA-insured mortgages for an additional two months, through February 28, 2021. The FHA is also extending through…
HUD: Opportunity Zone Radio Tour Kicks Off to Commemorate Three Years of Revitalizations in Forgotten Communities
Task Force members to join Secretary Carson in Radio Tour commemorating three years of revitalization success White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council Chairman and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced a nationwide radio tour to mark the three-year anniversary of the enactment of President Trump’s historic Tax Cuts,…
HUD: $78 Million Awarded to Help Families Reach Self-Sufficiency
Federal funding to support education and employment among HUD-assisted families Today, U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson awarded approximately $78 million to hundreds of public housing authorities across the country to help residents of public housing and voucher-assisted housing increase their earned income and reduce their dependency on public assistance and rental…
HUD: FHA Achieves Full FHA Catalyst Digitial Claim Submission Capabilities for Single Family Forward Mortgages
Latest FHA Catalyst: Claims Module expansion eliminates paper submission processes for all forward mortgage claim types Today, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) implemented additional functionality in its FHA Catalyst: Claims Module, achieving full, digital submission capabilities for all FHA Single Family Title II forward mortgage claim types and the elimination of manual, labor intensive paper-based…
HUD: Nearly $5 Million Awarded for Revitalization Plans in Eleven Neighborhoods
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today awarded nearly $5 million to eleven communities to help create plans to redevelop severely distressed HUD assisted housing and revitalize neighborhoods. Funded through HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods program, these grants will help local leaders craft comprehensive, homegrown plans to revitalize and transform these neighborhoods. “Today’s…
HUD: Grant to the Global Forum for Freedom and Justice Announced
U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson announced a $2.9 million dollar grant to the Global Forum for Freedom and Justice to conduct a feasibility study to determine the best location in Birmingham, Alabama to construct the “international gathering place focused on leadership, education, innovation and understanding, placed upon the sacred soil that gave…
HUD: Millions in Rental and Housing Assistance for Veterans in Need Announced
HUD-VASH vouchers to help veterans at-risk of homelessness The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced it is awarding $46 million in rental assistance and housing vouchers to help veterans at risk of experiencing homelessness. The supportive housing assistance is provided through the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program, which combines rental…
HUD: FHA Announces New Single Family Loan Limits for 2021
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) today announced the agency’s new schedule of loan limits for calendar year 2021 for its Single Family Title II forward and Home Equity Conversion (reverse) Mortgage insurance programs. Loan limits for most of the country will increase in the coming year resulting from robust house price appreciation, which is factored…
HUD: $54.7 Million in Grants Awarded to Expand Development of New Rental Housing for Extremely Low-Income Persons with Disabilities
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today announced the award of over $54.7 million in capital advance and project rental assistance grants to 15 organizations, to expand the supply of affordable rental housing for extremely low-income persons with disabilities. The capital advance awards will support integrated affordable housing by providing funding for the…
HUD: Recovery Housing Program to Aid Americans Recovering from Substance Abuse Launched
The pilot program would provide housing and stability to those who are currently in recovery from substance abuse disorder U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson announced the publication of the Notice for HUD’s pilot Recovery Housing Program (RHP). The program was authorized by the SUPPORT Act to provide stable, temporary housing…