Census Bureau: New Report on States with the Highest Percentage of Vacancy Issued
The U.S. Census Bureau today released a new report showing the housing market tightened significantly after the 2009 foreclosure crisis, absorbing much of the excess vacancy it created. The report – Which States Have the Highest Percentage of Vacant Housing Units?– examines the variation in state vacancy rates. It uses the Current Population Survey’s Housing Vacancy…
HUD: New FHA Single Family Title II Forward and Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Loan Limits for 2023 Announced
Today, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is announcing new loan limits for calendar year 2023 for its Single Family Title II forward and Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) insurance programs. Loan limits for most of the country will increase in the coming year due to house price appreciation during the first half of 2022, which is factored into the…
HUD: Modernization of Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program Proposed to Provide More Homeownership Opportunities for Native American Families
Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the release of a proposed rule for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program, which will modernize the program regulations and encourage homeownership opportunities in Indian Country. The proposed rule expands and revises the existing program regulations and will codify program requirements, while…
Census Bureau: 2021 Rental Housing Finance Survey Summary Tables Released
The U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today released new summary tables for the 2021 Rental Housing Finance Survey (RHFS). The RHFS provides measures of financial, mortgage and property characteristics of U.S. residential properties with at least one housing rental unit. It is the only data source that provides a comprehensive…
HUD and Census Bureau: 2021 Rental Housing Finance Survey Findings Released
Survey Finds Nearly Half of Rental Units are in Properties with Four or Fewer Units Of the 49.5 million rental housing units in the U.S., nearly 46 percent are located in rental properties of one-to-four units, according to the latest Rental Housing Finance Survey (RHFS) data released today by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development…
HUD: First-Ever Tribal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee Announced
Announcement precedes 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit on the progress made to strengthen Nation-to-Nation relationships and invest record levels of resources in Tribal communities Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the members of the first-ever Tribal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (TIAC). HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge is launching the committee…
FHFA: U.S. House Prices Rose 12.4 Percent Over the Last Year; Up 0.1 Percent from the Second Quarter 2022
U.S. house prices rose 12.4 percent from the third quarter of 2021 to the third quarter of 2022 according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency House Price Index (FHFA HPI®). House prices were up 0.1 percent compared to the second quarter of 2022. FHFA’s seasonally adjusted monthly index for September was up 0.1 percent from August. “House prices were flat for the third…
HUD and Census Bureau: New Residential Sales Report for October 2022 Released
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential sales statistics for October 2022: New Home SalesSales of new single‐family houses in October 2022 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 632,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau…
HUD: Flood Insurance Options Increased for Homeowners with FHA Mortgages Living in Special Flood Areas
Federal Housing Administration to allow private flood insurance policies on insured single-family mortgages in special flood hazard areas The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), is announcing today that effective December 21, 2022, it will allow homeowners with FHA-insured mortgage financing to obtain flood insurance policies that conform to…
HUD: 87 Affordable Rental Homes Preserved Through Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion with the Housing Authority of the City of Little Rock
Recently closed RAD conversion transaction supports affordable rental homes across three properties in southwest Little Rock, AR The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Multifamily Housing recently closed a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) transaction with the Housing Authority of the City of Little Rock, AR, to preserve and rehabilitate 87 affordable rental…