
HUD: Trump Administration Announces Decline in Veteran Homelessness

Number of homeless vets drops 5.4% since last year and by nearly half since 2010 Veteran homelessness in the U.S. continues to decline according to a new national estimate announced today by U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson. HUD’s Annual Homeless Assessment Report finds the total number of reported veterans experiencing homelessness…

FHFA: Proposed Rule Issued on Federal Home Loan Bank Housing Goals

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is seeking comments on proposed amendments to the existing regulation for the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) Housing Goals. The proposed rule would: Set a single prospective mortgage purchase housing goal as a share of each FHLBank’s total Acquired Member Asset (AMA) purchases; Set a new small member participation…

FHFA: Indices Show Little Movement in Mortgage Rates in September 2018

Nationally, interest rates on conventional purchase-money mortgages were nearly flat from August to September, according to several indices of new mortgage contracts. The National Average Contract Mortgage Rate for the Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes by Combined Lenders Index was 4.62 percent for loans closed in late September, down 1 basis point from 4.63 percent in August….

HUD and Census Bureau: New Residential Sales Report for September 2018

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential sales statistics for September 2018: New Home Sales Sales of new single-family houses in September 2018 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 553,000. This is 5.5 percent (±12.1 percent)* below the revised August…

FHFA: House Price Index Up 0.3 Percent in August 2018

U.S. house prices rose in August, up 0.3 percent from the previous month, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) seasonally adjusted monthly House Price Index (HPI).  The previously reported 0.2 percent increase in July was revised upward to 0.4 percent. The FHFA monthly HPI is calculated using home sales price information from mortgages…

HUD: Trump Administration Marks National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

HUD, HHS and EPA reinforce ways to protect children from lead exposure To kick off National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW), leaders of President Donald Trump’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children are raising awareness about the health risks associated with exposure to lead, specifically for children. NLPPW, which will…

HUD and Census Bureau: Report of Residential Construction Activity for September 2018

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential construction statistics for September 2018. Building Permits: Privately owned housing units authorized by building permits in September were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,241,000. This is 0.6 percent (±1.2 percent)* below the revised…

HUD: “Humans of HUD” Photoblog Launched

Project highlights the trials and triumphs of the people HUD serves The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today announced the launch of ‘Humans of HUD’ – a photoblog dedicated to documenting the journeys of people who are impacted by the Department’s programs and services. The inspiring collection of photos and stories are part…

HUD: Public Housing Agencies Invited to Join Meeting to Work Demonstration Project

MTW allows greater flexibility to improve housing choice and self-sufficiency The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is inviting public housing agencies to join the Department’s expanding Moving to Work demonstration program. Moving to Work (MTW) allows public housing agencies (PHAs) to practice greater program flexibility and encourages housing choice and self-sufficiency among…

FHFA: Mortgage Translations Clearinghouse Launched to Help Borrowers with English Language Barriers

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), Freddie Mac (OTCQB:FMCC), and Fannie Mae (FNMA/OTC) together announce the launch of Mortgage Translations – a centralized clearinghouse of online resources to assist lenders, servicers, housing counselors, and other real estate professionals in serving limited English proficient (LEP) borrowers. LEP borrowers make up a growing share of today’s mortgage…