FEMA: Every Florida Business Should Have a Disaster Preparedness Plan

There is much that a business leader can do to prepare his or her organization for likely hazards. Many parts of the United States, including Florida, may be directly affected by tropical storms and hurricanes. The Ready Business program helps business managers make a disaster plan before the June 1 start of the hurricane season….

FEMA: Now Is the Time to Prepare Financially for Hurricane Season

Survivors at all income levels have experienced the challenges of rebuilding their lives after hurricanes Irma and María. Financial preparedness is an essential part of 2018 hurricane season planning. Being financially prepared means you should: Consider the costs associated with disasters such as insurance deductibles and evacuation costs, and plan for those costs. Anticipate initial…

FEMA: President Trump Approves Major Disaster Declaration for West Virginia

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the state of West Virginia to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides from February 14 to February 20, 2018. Federal funding is available to the state and…

FEMA: President Trump Approves Major Disaster Declaration for Ohio

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the state of Ohio to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, flooding and landslides from February 14 to February 25, 2018. Federal funding is available to the state and eligible local…

FEMA: Disaster Proof Your Pocketbook in Three Steps

April is the beginning of severe weather here in the Midwest, and floods, storms and tornadoes are threats to take seriously and prepare for. But not all disasters have to be record-breaking or historic to be catastrophic to your family. What about an accidental house fire that destroys your home and all of your belongings?…

FEMA: Recovery Progress Continues in Puerto Rico with Agreement on Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Guide

FEMA Administrator Brock Long announced today that FEMA and the Government of Puerto Rico have coordinated the guidelines for permanent work restoration in Puerto Rico. FEMA is releasing the “Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Guide for Permanent Work (Section 428)” document specifically for permanent work projects in Puerto Rico. Using these procedures, FEMA will develop fixed-cost…

FEMA: President Trump Approves Major Disaster Declaration for Kentucky

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the Commonwealth of Kentucky to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides from February 9 to February 14, 2018. Federal funding is available to the Commonwealth and eligible…

FEMA: Agency and Federal Partners Encourage Families to Save for a Rainy Day

Over 40 percent of adults cannot cover an emergency expense of $400 FEMA, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC), celebrates Financial Capability Month by reminding individuals and families that the time to prepare for the financial cost of unexpected emergencies is long before an emergency…

FEMA: How to Make a Disaster Plan

A key way to cope with a disaster is to have a plan. Know how to react before, during and after a disaster and know the hazards that could affect where you live, work and go to school. It is important for all Floridians, especially individuals with access and functional needs, to plan ahead. Communication…

FEMA: Agency and Emergency Management Partner Organizations Release PrepTalk on Financial Literacy

FEMA, in partnership with organizations that collectively represent the emergency management profession, released today the seventh video presentation from the inaugural PrepTalks Symposium, John Hope Bryant’s “Financial Literacy and Overcoming Liquid Asset Poverty.” Bryant is the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Operation HOPE, Inc., a nonprofit provider of financial dignity education and economic…