Census Bureau: Household Pulse Survey Weekly Data Released
The Census Bureau today released new data from the experimental Household Pulse Survey. The Household Pulse Survey is the result of an effort by the Census Bureau and other federal statistical agencies to document temporal trends in how individuals are experiencing business curtailment and closures, stay-at-home orders, school closures, changes in the availability of consumer goods…
ABA: America’s Banks Urged to Adopt Mask Policy
In light of the continuing health threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Bankers Association is urging banks across the nation to adopt a policy requiring anyone who enters a branch to wear a mask or face covering to protect the health of bank employees and customers. Requiring the use of masks and face…
EDA: Over $100 Million in CARES Act Funding Invested to Support Recovery from Coronavirus Pandemic
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development (EDA) administration has awarded over $10 Million in CARES Act Funding to support economic development and economic recovery in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Investments include: July 17, 2020 – U.S. Department of Commerce Invests $8.4 Million in CARES Act Funding to Capitalize Revolving Loan Funds to Help Small…
Federal Reserve: Main Street Lending Program Modified to Provide Greater Access to Credit for Nonprofit Organizations
The Federal Reserve Board on Friday modified the Main Street Lending Program to provide greater access to credit for nonprofit organizations such as educational institutions, hospitals, and social service organizations. As detailed in term sheets released today, the Board approved two new loan options to provide support to a broad set of nonprofit organizations that…
CFPB: Updated COVID-19 Consumer Complaint Data Released
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today issued an updated Complaint Bulletin, analyzing the more than 8,000 complaints it received from January through May 2020 that mention coronavirus or related terms (“coronavirus keywords”). The bulletin shows that mortgage (19 percent), credit card (18 percent), and credit or consumer reporting (18 percent) complaints top the list…
SBA: New Community Advantage Recovery Loans Proposed for COVID Relief
On July 15, 2020, SBA published a request for information and a notice on the establishment of a new, temporary community advantage (CA) loan in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The new loans, titled “Community Advantage Recovery Loans” are designed for eligible CA Lenders to provide technical and financial assistance to assist small businesses in…
Census Bureau: Household Pulse Survey Weekly Data Released
The Census Bureau today released new data from the experimental Household Pulse Survey. The Household Pulse Survey is the result of an effort by the Census Bureau and other federal statistical agencies to document temporal trends in how individuals are experiencing business curtailment and closures, stay-at-home orders, school closures, changes in the availability of consumer goods…
Federal Reserve: Rule Change Extended to Bolster Effectivness of the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program
The Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday announced an extension of a rule change to bolster the effectiveness of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Like the earlier rule, the extension will temporarily modify the Board’s rules so that certain bank directors and shareholders can apply to their banks for PPP loans for…
SBA: $20 Billion Provided to Small Businesses and Nonprofits through Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance Program
Today, the U.S. Small Business Administration announced the conclusion and success of the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Advance program, which provided U.S. small businesses, non-profits and agricultural businesses a total of $20 billion in emergency funding. In order to assist the greatest number of small businesses, the EIDL Advance provided $1,000 per employee up…
EDA: $30 Million in CARES Act Funding Invested to Support Recovery from Coronavirus Pandemic
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development (EDA) administration has awarded over $10 Million in CARES Act Funding to support economic development and economic recovery in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Investments include: $400,000 to help 13-county region in South Central Tennessee $400,000 to help Panhandle Region in Texas $400,000 to help New River Valley…