CFPB: Report on Debt Settlements and Credit Counseling Released
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) released a report today examining recent trends in debt settlement and credit counseling. Many Americans struggle with their debts, especially during times of crisis. Today’s report documents changes over time in how consumers have used these debt relief options for unsecured debt. Using the Bureau’s Consumer Credit Panel (CCP),…
CFPB: Final Rule on Small Dollar Lending Issued
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today issued a final rule concerning small dollar lending in order to maintain consumer access to credit and competition in the marketplace. The final rule rescinds the mandatory underwriting provisions of the 2017 rule after re-evaluating the legal and evidentiary bases for these provisions and finding them to be insufficient….
CFPB: Consumer Financial Protection Week Announced Including Nationwide Virtual Events Starting July 14th
Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) announced the launch of Consumer Financial Protection Week, which will take place from July 14, 2020, through July 17, 2020. Consumer Financial Protection Week will focus on how the Bureau is protecting consumers in the financial marketplace, the issues consumers are confronting, as well as informing consumers of…
CFPB: Tech Sprints Will Empower Consumers, Reduce Regulatory Burden
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today announced its first-ever Tech Sprints to reduce regulatory burden and improve consumer understanding of financial services. The Bureau’s Tech Sprints program will bring together regulators, technologists, software providers, consumer groups, and financial institutions to develop technological solutions to shared compliance challenges. The first Tech Sprint will kick off…
CFPB: FFIEC Announces Availability of 2019 HMDA Data on Mortgage Lending
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) today announced the availability of data on 2019 mortgage lending transactions at 5,508 U.S. financial institutions covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). Covered institutions include banks, savings associations, credit unions, and mortgage companies. The HMDA data are the most comprehensive publicly available information on mortgage market…
CFPB: Interpretive Rule Issued on Method for Determining Underserved Areas
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today issued an interpretive rule to provide guidance to creditors and other persons involved in the mortgage origination process about the way in which the Bureau determines which counties qualify as “underserved” for a given calendar year. The Bureau’s annual list of rural and underserved counties and areas is…
CFPB: Interim Final Rule Issued on Loss Mitigation Options for Homeowners Recovering from Pandemic-Related Financial Hardships
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) issued today an interim final rule (IFR) that will make it easier for consumers to transition out of financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and easier for mortgage servicers to assist those consumers. The CARES Act provides forbearance relief for consumers with federally-backed mortgage loans. The mortgage industry…
CFPB: Pilot Advisory Opinion Program Launches to Provide Regulate Entities Clear Guidance and Improve Compliance
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today launched a pilot advisory opinion (AO) program to publicly address regulatory uncertainty in the Bureau’s existing regulations. The pilot AO program will allow entities seeking to comply with regulatory requirements to submit a request where uncertainty exists. The Bureau will then select topics based on the program’s priorities…
CFPB: New Online Resource Helps Communities Prevent and Respond to Elder Fraud
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today released an online resource to help communities form networks to increase their capacity to prevent and respond to elder financial abuse. The Elder Fraud Prevention and Response Networks Development Guide (Networks Development Guide) offers planning tools, templates, and exercises to help communities create a collaborative network to fight…
CFPB: Bureau Takes Steps to Facilitate LIBOR Transition
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today took steps to facilitate the transition away from LIBOR for consumers and regulated entities. The Bureau released an updated Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages (CHARM) to help consumers better understand adjustable rate mortgage loan products. The Bureau also released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) concerning the…