Census Bureau: Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.1 Monthly Data Released
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from Phase 4.1 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS). The HPS is an effort by the Census Bureau and other federal statistical agencies to measure how emergent issues are impacting U.S. households from a social and economic perspective. Topics for Phase 4.1 include employment status, spending, food security, housing,…
Census Bureau: 2022 County Business Patterns Data Now Available
The U.S. Census Bureau today released the 2022 County Business Patterns (CBP). This annual series of statistics provides subnational economic data by industry. The number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll and annual payroll are provided for nearly 1,000 industries, as defined by the 2017 North American Industry Classification System…
HUD and Census Bureau: New Residential Sales Report for May 2024 Released
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential sales statistics for May 2024: New Home SalesSales of new single‐family houses in May 2024 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 619,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau…
Census Bureau: Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.1 Monthly Data Released
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from Phase 4.1 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS). The HPS is an effort by the Census Bureau and other federal statistical agencies to measure how emergent issues are impacting U.S. households from a social and economic perspective. Topics for Phase 4.1 include employment status, spending, food security,…
HUD and Census Bureau: New Residential Sales Report Published for April 2024
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential sales statistics for April 2024: New Home SalesSales of new single‐family houses in April 2024 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 634,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau…
Census Bureau: Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.1 Monthly Data Released
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from Phase 4.1 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS). The HPS is an effort by the Census Bureau and other federal statistical agencies to measure how emergent issues are impacting U.S. households from a social and economic perspective. Topics for Phase 4.1 include employment status, spending, food security,…
Census Bureau: New Research Data Product Released to Track Income Mobility and Volatility
The U.S. Census Bureau today released a new research data product, Mobility, Opportunity, and Volatility Statistics (MOVS), that shows detailed income and household statistics over time and includes demographic characteristics such as race and ethnicity. MOVS uses linked demographic and tax records on the population of U.S. working-age adults and tracks the progress of incomes, providing new…
Census Bureau: New Justice Outcomes Explorer Data Product Released
The U.S. Census Bureau today released a new experimental data product, the Justice Outcomes Explorer (JOE), that measures the economic and health outcomes of people who were charged with criminal offenses, released from prison, or began probation or parole sentences. The outcomes measured include employment, earnings, government program participation, and mortality. JOE is a collaboration between the…
HUD and Census Bureau: New Residential Sales Report for March 2024 Released
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential sales statistics for March 2024: New Home SalesSales of new single‐family houses in March 2024 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 693,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau…
Census Bureau: Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.0 Monthly Data Released
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 4.0 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS). The HPS is an effort by the Census Bureau and other federal statistical agencies to measure how emergent issues are impacting U.S. households from a social and economic perspective. Topics for phase 4.0 include employment status, spending, food security, housing,…