Bank Services

ABA: Top Ag Banking Awards Go to Indiana Banker and Kansas Ag Professor

WASHINGTON — The American Bankers Association today announced the recipients of both the Bruning and Blanchfield Awards, the association’s premier awards presented for contributions to agricultural banking. Gene Miles, president and CEO of First Farmers Bank and Trust Company, Converse, Ind., will receive the Bruning Award, and Kansas State University ag economics emeritus professor Barry…

ABA: Six Banks Honored with Community Commitment Awards

Categories range from affordable housing to community and economic development WASHINGTON — The American Bankers Association Foundation has recognized six banks for their noteworthy corporate social responsibility with a 2016 Community Commitment Award. The awards were given to banks for their efforts in categories ranging from affordable housing to community and economic development. Winners will…

ABA: Survey Shows Most Americans Use Mobile Banking at Least Once a Month

Nearly 3 in 4 rank their bank’s app “excellent” or “very good” WASHINGTON — A majority of Americans (58 percent) use a mobile device to manage their bank account at least once per month and more than a third are using it more than three times per month, according to a new survey by the…

Interagency: OCC, FDIC & Federal Reserve Issue Study on Banking Activities and Investments

Agencies Issue Study on Banking Activities and Investments The Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency today released a report to the Congress and the Financial Stability Oversight Council on the activities and investments that banking entities may engage in under applicable law. Section 620…

ABA: Online, Mobile Banking Most Popular With Consumers

WASHINGTON — More than half of Americans manage their bank accounts online more often than any other method, according to a recent survey by the American Bankers Association.  Mobile banking ranked as consumers’ second most preferred way to bank, with about one in five people taking to their mobile devices to conduct their banking business….

FDIC: Tips on Choosing and Using the Right Bank Account

Having a bank account brings important benefits, including deposit insurance and access to a variety of financial services. The latest FDIC Consumer News features simple tips on how to choose and manage a checking or savings account wisely. The Summer 2016 edition also has articles on depositing a check using a smartphone or tablet, avoiding credit and…

CFPB: 30 New Your Money, Your Goals Partners to Help Low-Income Consumers Announced

We’re working to expand the reach of Your Money, Your Goals to more consumers, so we’ve selected 30 new organizations across the country to implement Your Money, Your Goalstraining with their frontline staff. These organizations include state and local government agencies, social services, legal aid, volunteer-based, and worker organizations, and a consortium of three consumer development financial institutions….

CFPB: Tools and Resources for Money Decisions

We understand that during your life you might face complex and important decisions about your money and finances, like how to choose and use a credit card or how to determine if you can qualify for a mortgage. An important part of our mission is to empower you to take control of your financial life…

ABA to Congress: Smart Policies Allow Banks to Innovate, Partner with FinTech Startups

Nichols says trusted customer relationships are paramount to success WASHINGTON — Banks are innovating and partnering with startups to help benefit their customers, but smart policies are key to facilitating a modern, high-tech system, according to testimony from American Bankers Association president and CEO Rob Nichols before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer…

ABA: 7 Ways to Avoid Online Fraud

WASHINGTON — Internet fraud continues to be a growing problem in the U.S. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, in 2014, the agency received approximately 270,000 complaints from consumers who were exposed to online fraud —  up from nearly 263,000 in 2013. In recognition of Internet Safety Month in June, the American Bankers Association is…