CFPB: Three Steps to Help Make Tough Choices in Tight Moments
When bills are piling up, it’s important to remember that you’re still in control. While you are ultimately responsible for paying all of your bills on time, there are things you can do if you fall short one month and don’t have enough money to cover everything. Follow our three easy tips that can help…
CFPB: Prototypes Unveiled of New “Know Before You Owe” Overdraft Disclosure
New CFPB Study Shows Opted-In Frequent Overdrafters Typically Pay Almost $450 More in Fees WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today unveiled new Know Before You Owe overdraft disclosure prototypes designed to improve the model form that banks and credit unions already provide to consumers weighing overdraft coverage. The Bureau is currently…
CFPB: Companies Warned Against Tricking Consumers into Expensive Pay-by-Phone Fees
Bureau Concerned About Companies Misleading Consumers About Pay-By-Phone Fees, Keeping Them in the Dark About Much Cheaper Options WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today issued a bulletin warning companies about tricking consumers into expensive pay-by-phone fees. The Bureau is concerned about companies potentially misleading consumers about the purpose and amount of certain…
ABA: Statement on House Vote on Arbitration Rule a Win for Consumers
By Rob Nichols, ABA president and CEO “We applaud members of the House for taking a stand on behalf of consumers by voting to overturn the CFPB’s arbitration rule. Today’s action is critical to ensuring the Bureau doesn’t provide trial lawyers with a regulatory windfall at consumers’ expense. “In class-action lawsuits, the spoils go…
CFPB: Spring 2017 Rulemaking Agenda
An important part of the CFPB’s statutory mandate from the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) is to make rules governing consumer finance markets more effective and to create new rules when warranted. Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, federal agencies must publish regulatory agendas twice a year. As an independent regulatory…
CFPB: How to Help Employees Improve Their Financial Well-Being
Here are eight steps business and HR leaders can take to create a financial wellness program at their workplace. By Dubis Correal Day after day, employees arrive at work carrying the stresses of their lives, and money issues can be part of their stress. Maybe one of your employees has a past-due medical bill…
CFPB: Rule Issued to Ban Companies from Using Arbitration Clauses
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today announced a new rule to ban companies from using mandatory arbitration clauses to deny groups of people their day in court. Many consumer financial products like credit cards and bank accounts have arbitration clauses in their contracts that prevent consumers from joining together to sue their…
ABA: Mortgage Borrowers Want Both Technology and In-Person Services
Survey also found down payment, student debt preventing home purchases WASHINGTON — A majority of Americans (60 percent) agree that while they use online resources for research, they prefer to apply for a mortgage in person, according to a new survey from the American Bankers Association. Seventeen percent said they would prefer to apply for…
CFPB: Comment on Proposed Changes to Prepaid Rules
Proposal Would Adjust Error Resolution Requirements and Provide More Flexibility for Credit Cards Linked to Digital Wallets WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced today that it is seeking comment on proposed updates to its prepaid rule. The CFPB issued the prepaid rule in 2016, requiring financial institutions to limit consumers’ losses when…
CFPB: More than Just Fun – Summer Money Matters for Young Workers
Each summer, millions of young people get their first job. With every first job comes a first paycheck, and that first paycheck is an opportunity for young workers to develop their own financial skills. This important milestone is often when young people first take control of their finances, make choices about various financial products, and…