Bank Services

FDIC: 2017 Results of Summary of Deposits Survey Released

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today released the results of its annual survey of branch office deposits for all FDIC-insured institutions. The latest data are as of June 30, 2017. The FDIC’s Summary of Deposits (SOD) provides deposit totals for each of the more than 89,000 domestic offices operated by more than 5,700 FDIC-insured…

FDIC: Webinar To Highlight Spanish-Language Financial Education Resources

In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) invites organizations that serve the U.S. Spanish-speaking population and members of their communities to participate in an upcoming webinar that will highlight the agency’s Spanish-language consumer resources. The webinar will be conducted in Spanish and is scheduled for October 12, from 3:00 p.m….

ABA: Survey Shows Online, Mobile Are Most Popular Banking Channels

Results show different generations have different banking tendencies Forty percent of Americans manage their bank accounts online more frequently than any other method, according to a recent survey conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Bankers Association.  One in 4 consumers (26 percent) use their mobile devices most often to conduct their banking…

ABA: 9 in 10 Americans Rate Their Bank’s Service as Good or Excellent

Nine in 10 Americans with a bank account (89 percent) rate their bank’s service and support as “good,” “very good” or “excellent,” according to a new survey conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Bankers Association. The same number say they are satisfied with their primary bank. The survey also asked consumers to…

CFIB: Identity Theft Protection Following the Equifax Data Breach

By Kristin Dohn  Millions of Americans have been impacted by the recent Equifax data breach. Whether or not your personal information has been stolen, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your credit. What is identity theft, and what can you do? Sometimes criminals who steal data use it to engage in…

FDIC: FFIEC Launches New Industry Outreach Website

Printable Format: FIL-40-2017 – PDF (PDF Help) Summary: The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) launched a new Industry Outreach website for financial institutions, trade associations, third-party providers, and consultants. Statement of Applicability to Institutions with Total Assets Under $1 Billion: This FIL applies to all FDIC-supervised financial institutions. Highlights: The FFIEC launched a new…

CFPB: Tips for Tax Preparers to Use to Help People Save and Build Assets During Tax Time

Saving money can be hard, especially for people who are living paycheck to paycheck. Often, people who are struggling to make ends meet don’t have enough money to save, or a way to transfer money automatically into a savings account. That’s why once a year when consumers file their tax returns may be a time…

ABA: Foundation Seeking Banks to Host 8th Annual Lights, Camera, Save! Video Contest

​WASHINGTON — The American Bankers Association Foundation is urging local banks to participate in its Lights, Camera, Save! video contest. Lights, Camera, Save! is a national contest that encourages teens to use video to communicate the value of sound money management. Through Lights, Camera, Save!, teen participants will create up to a 90-second video that…

Federal Reserve: Total Household Debt Increases, Driven by Mortgage, Auto and Credit Card Debt

Credit Card Delinquency Flows Step Up Notably Over Past Year, While Delinquency Flows for Other Non-Housing Debt Worsen Modestly NEW YORK – The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today issued its Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit,  which reported that total household debt increased by $115 billion (0.9%) to $12.84 trillion in the second…

Federal Reserve: FinTech and Financial Innovation – Drivers & Depth

Abstract: This paper answers two questions that help those analyzing FinTech understand its origins, growth, and potential to affect financial stability. First, it answers the question of why “FinTech” is happening right now. Many of the technologies that support FinTech innovations are not new, but financial institutions and entrepreneurs are only now applying them to…