Bank Products

CFPB: Three Steps to Help Make Tough Choices in Tight Moments

When bills are piling up, it’s important to remember that you’re still in control. While you are ultimately responsible for paying all of your bills on time, there are things you can do if you fall short one month and don’t have enough money to cover everything. Follow our three easy tips that can help…

CFPB: Prototypes Unveiled of New “Know Before You Owe” Overdraft Disclosure

New CFPB Study Shows Opted-In Frequent Overdrafters Typically Pay Almost $450 More in Fees WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today unveiled new Know Before You Owe overdraft disclosure prototypes designed to improve the model form that banks and credit unions already provide to consumers weighing overdraft coverage. The Bureau is currently…

CFPB: Denied for a Bank Account? Here’s What You Should Know

You may have heard that we recently determined that JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (Chase) violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in connection with its furnishing of consumer deposit account information to specialty consumer reporting companies. Specialty consumer reporting companies collect information and provide reports about how consumers use their deposit accounts. These companies are…

ABA: Statement on House Vote on Arbitration Rule a Win for Consumers

By Rob Nichols, ABA president and CEO ​     “We applaud members of the House for taking a stand on behalf of consumers by voting to overturn the CFPB’s arbitration rule. Today’s action is critical to ensuring the Bureau doesn’t provide trial lawyers with a regulatory windfall at consumers’ expense. “In class-action lawsuits, the spoils go…

CFPB: Try One Thing This Summer to Grow Your Child’s Money Skills

Your children go to school to learn math, reading, history, and more. But all year round, they’re absorbing money habits, skills, and attitudes from you. This summer, we challenge you to try one thing that encourages money conversations with your kids. This chart shows ways you can help your children build money skills that can…

CFPB: Spring 2017 Rulemaking Agenda

An important part of the CFPB’s statutory mandate from the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) is to make rules governing consumer finance markets more effective and to create new rules when warranted. Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, federal agencies must publish regulatory agendas twice a year. As an independent regulatory…

CFPB: How to Help Employees Improve Their Financial Well-Being

Here are eight steps business and HR leaders can take to create a financial wellness program at their workplace. By Dubis Correal   Day after day, employees arrive at work carrying the stresses of their lives, and money issues can be part of their stress. Maybe one of your employees has a past-due medical bill…

CFPB: Building Credit at a Local Level

By Sarah Bainton Kahn We recently published a report on ways people without a credit history start building one. In order to bring visibility to this issue and spur action at the local level, we’re releasing credit profiles on states and cities across the country. A person is considered “credit invisible” if they do not…

CFPB: Rule Issued to Ban Companies from Using Arbitration Clauses

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today announced a new rule to ban companies from using mandatory arbitration clauses to deny groups of people their day in court. Many consumer financial products like credit cards and bank accounts have arbitration clauses in their contracts that prevent consumers from joining together to sue their…