Bank Products

CFPB: Information Requested on the Impact of CARD Act Regulations on Small Entities and the Consumer Credit Card Market

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) issued today a request for information (RFI) to examine the impact of the rules that implement the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (CARD Act Rules). The Bureau is required under Section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act to review certain rules within 10 years of…

ABA: Report Shows Credit Card Spending Falls in First Quarter 2020

Credit card purchase volumes fell in the first quarter of 2020 as the economy entered its first recession in a decade, according to the American Bankers Association’s latest quarterly Credit Card Market Monitor. In line with the onset of the pandemic-induced economic downturn and prior industry reports, seasonally adjusted monthly purchase volumes pulled back from the…

CFPB: Plan Announced to Issue ANPR on Consumer-Authorized Access to Financial Data

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today announced that it plans to issue an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) later this year on consumer-authorized access to financial records. The announcement follows a symposium the Bureau held earlier this year on the topic, which included experts from consumer groups, fintechs, trade associations, financial institutions and…

CFPB: New Capability for the Consumer Complaint Database Announced Including Viewing Complaints Over Time

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today announced the addition of a trends view to the Consumer Complaint Database (Database). The trends view allows users to see information about complaints over time using a robust set of filter options. For several years, the database has provided users with the ability to filter complaints by date,…

CFPB: Updated COVID-19 Consumer Complaint Data Released

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today issued an updated Complaint Bulletin, analyzing the more than 8,000 complaints it received from January through May 2020 that mention coronavirus or related terms (“coronavirus keywords”). The bulletin shows that mortgage (19 percent), credit card (18 percent), and credit or consumer reporting (18 percent) complaints top the list…

CFPB: New Study Shows Credit Builder Loan Could Help Consumers Build Credit

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today released a report indicating that a credit builder loan could increase the likelihood of establishing a credit record for consumers without one, and could help improve the credit scores of those with no current outstanding debt. The Bureau issued “Targeting Credit Builder Loans: Insights from a Credit Builder…

CFPB: Final Rule on Small Dollar Lending Issued

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today issued a final rule concerning small dollar lending in order to maintain consumer access to credit and competition in the marketplace. The final rule rescinds the mandatory underwriting provisions of the 2017 rule after re-evaluating the legal and evidentiary bases for these provisions and finding them to be insufficient….

CFPB: Tech Sprints Will Empower Consumers, Reduce Regulatory Burden

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today announced its first-ever Tech Sprints to reduce regulatory burden and improve consumer understanding of financial services. The Bureau’s Tech Sprints program will bring together regulators, technologists, software providers, consumer groups, and financial institutions to develop technological solutions to shared compliance challenges. The first Tech Sprint will kick off…

OCC: Comments Requested on Proposed Rules to Update Activities and Operations and Digitial Activities

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today released two issuances for public comment. The OCC published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) for public comment to update its rules for national bank and federal savings association activities and operations. The agency also released an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) seeking comment…

CFPB: Consumer Actions for Relief from Credit Card Issuers During the Pandemic

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today took action to help consumers receive relief during the pandemic more quickly from their credit card issuer. Regulation Z requires that creditors provide written disclosures to consumers for account-opening and temporary rate or fee reduction. During the pandemic, consumers may seek to open a new account or request…