WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development (IATF) and Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs (ACVBA) will hold their second public meetings of 2017 on June 7 and 8 at SBA headquarters in Washington, D.C.
“These meetings are critical in helping us understand veterans’ workforce opportunities and challenges, especially as small business owners,” said Barb Carson, Associate Administrator, SBA Office of Veterans Business Development. “For this reason, we sincerely appreciate public participation and look forward to hearing from veteran entrepreneurs, advocates, and colleagues.”
Both federal advisory committee meetings will address the current state of veteran-owned small businesses, updating the public on progress made regarding pushing forward veteran entrepreneurship and employment. Committee members will receive briefs on access to capital, counseling and training, and government contracting.
The ACVBA meeting will also include a veterans’ service organization roundtable discussion featuring American Legion, Student Veterans of America, 1 Vet at a Time, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Institute for Veteran and Military Families (IVMF) among others. Focal points include leveraging the G.I. Bill for veteran access to startup capital, procurement (certification, business development, and SBA Mentor Protégé programs), and recommendations for improving the current state of veteran business ownership.
Both IATF and ACVBA meetings are public meetings held quarterly in Washington, D.C. The committee meetings will be available via teleconference at 888-858-2144, access code: 4881729# as well as on webinar at: https://soc.att.com/2sn9t88. The ACVBA public meeting transcripts may also be found at www.sba.gov/ovbd under section heading, “Policy Formulation Committees,” upon conclusion of each meeting.
Please email any questions to veteransbusiness@sba.gov(link sends e-mail) or call (202) 205-6337.