May 16, 2024

HUD: Nearly $40 Million Awarded to Expand Housing Counseling for Underserved Communities

Vice President Harris and Acting Secretary Todman announced this funding, which will help to bridge the racial homeownership gap and foster the next generation of homeowners.

Today, Vice President Kamala Harris and HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman announced that the Biden-Harris Administration is awarding nearly $40 million to expand comprehensive housing counseling services for homebuyers, homeowners, and renters throughout America. These awards – through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Housing Counseling – will fund counseling services that equip individuals and families with vital education and resources to inform decisions about their housing needs and opportunities. The Vice President and Acting Secretary will highlight this new funding while in Milwaukee, WI today for the third stop on the Vice President’s nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour.

“Homeownership represents more than just a roof over our heads; it represents financial security, the opportunity to build wealth and equity, and a foundation for a better future for ourselves, our children, and future generations,” said Vice President Harris. “That is why President Biden and I are continuing to address barriers to housing by announcing $40 million to expand housing counseling services in communities across the country. This new funding to more than 165 housing counseling agencies will build economic opportunity while helping homebuyers throughout America improve their credit, find down payment assistance programs, understand loan terms and types of mortgages, navigate the application process, and identify housing discrimination.”

“This past year, HUD-approved housing counseling agencies reached almost one million Americans, providing them with invaluable advice on important topics like financial literacy, maintaining a home, and avoiding foreclosure,” said HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman. “Today, we are providing $40 million more to expand these services – specifically for underserved communities – so we can build the next generation of homeowners and close the racial homeownership gap.”

HUD plans to award grants to more than 165 housing counseling agencies and intermediary organizations. Fourteen grantees will also partner with 60 Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions to support new homeowners of color and other marginalized communities. Funds can be used for counseling services covering various topics, including financial management and literacy, homeownership, and affordable rental housing. For example, one of the grantees – Unidos US – aims to creating pathways for Latino homebuyers to build credit, afford a down payment, and get approved for a sustainable mortgage loan.

While in Milwaukee, WI today, Vice President Harris and Acting Secretary Todman will speak to the importance of these funds and the Biden-Harris Administration’s broader work to cut housing costs for American consumers. HUD estimates that over $300,000 of this new funding will go to help consumers in Wisconsin. The Biden-Harris Administration and HUD have already helped nearly 35,000 Americans through this program in Wisconsin – 19,000 of whom live in Milwaukee.

These counseling services are currently serving nearly 12,000 families in Wisconsin, 40 percent of whom are Black families. At the event, three housing counseling agencies will be present: Acts HousingHousing Resources Inc, and United Community Center.

“We’re proud to make these funds available to HUD-certified housing counselors, who are often the first point of contact for those seeking support with their housing needs,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing Counseling David Berenbaum. “Given the rising costs of housing, coupled with limited available inventory, housing counseling is a critical resource for homebuyers and renters seeking to navigate challenging processes and decisions.”

The list of grant recipients and awards are available here.

Fact Sheet: HUD and the Biden-Harris Administration Provides Housing Counseling to Millions of Americans

Since 2020, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has helped over 3 million individuals and families to obtain, sustain, and retain their homes.

Quick Facts

How does Housing Counseling Help?

Working with Minority-Serving Institutions and Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Let’s Make Home the Goal, a Nationwide Awareness Campaign

Homeownership Initiative Grant Program

This post was originally published here.