September 17, 2024

FHFA: Data Visualization Dashboard Released for Enterprises’ Multifamily Mortgage Acquisitions

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released an interactive tool for tracking data on multifamily mortgages that enables users to review details about loans and properties at both the state and national levels.

The tool, known as a data visualization dashboard, provides a more accessible way to view and understand data on multifamily mortgages. It is derived from the Public Use Database (PUDB) of mortgage acquisitions by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises).

“Multifamily properties are a vital component of the nation’s affordable housing infrastructure. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac play important roles in providing liquidity to support multifamily financing, particularly in rural, low-and-moderate income, and minority neighborhoods.” said Director Sandra L. Thompson. “This data release exemplifies our commitment to transparency and providing user-friendly access to data on the Enterprises’ multifamily mortgage acquisitions.”

The Enterprise Multifamily PUDB Dashboard includes data snapshots of key statistics, time series charts, and state maps of multifamily housing characteristics such as median loan amount, number of properties, average number of units per property, and unit affordability. The underlying aggregate statistics presented in the dashboard come from three multifamily data files in the Enterprise PUDB, updated annually since 2008, including two property-level datasets and a data file on the size and affordability of individual units. The dashboard shows characteristics about multifamily loans, properties, and units at the national level, and characteristics about multifamily loans and properties at the state level.

FHFA releases the PUDB for Enterprise mortgages annually to meet FHFA’s requirement under 12 U.S.C. 4543 and 4546(d) to publicly disclose data about the Enterprises’ mortgage acquisitions. The database can be found at:

This post was originally published here.