Author: findCRA

What is an in-kind donation?

An in-kind donation is the transfer of a gift of goods or services (or some other non-cash asset that has value) to another person or organization. Similar to cash donations, in-kind donations made to a 501(c)(3) organization are tax-deductible. However, with in-kind donations, the donor must determine the cash value of the goods or services….

What type of activities revitalize or stabilize?

There are a variety of activities that are considered to revitalize and stabilize communities as outlined under the requirements of CRA. These are generally broken into three main types of activities. Attracting New or Retaining Existing Business These types of activity is focused on low- or moderate-income geographies. Examples of qualifying activity includes loans for…

What is technical assistance?

Examples of technical assistance activities that are related to the provision of financial services and that might be provided to community development organizations include serving on the board of directors serving on a loan review committee developing loan application and underwriting standards developing loan-processing systems developing secondary market vehicles or programs assisting in marketing financial…

Why is CRA important to nonprofits?

Banks need strong partnerships with organizations that can help them meet the needs of the community and fulfill their CRA goals. Community-based nonprofit organizations provide opportunities for banks to volunteer, lend and donate funds and other resources to the individuals and areas that need it most. Because nonprofits need a variety of support to serve…

Do I have to be a 501(c)(3) to get support under the CRA?

The short answer is it depends. In most cases, if you are seeking a financial donation or grant from a bank, they will require that you have a 501(c)(3) or similar nonprofit designation.  They may also ask for documentation to ensure that their contribution will be tax deductible. However, CRA is much more than financial…

How do I know if my organization qualifies for CRA support?

Nonprofit organizations are eligible for CRA support if they provide qualified community development services, loans or investment to either: Low- and moderate-income individuals Low- and moderate-income geographic areas Area specially designated as underserved, distressed or disaster Small businesses or farms If a nonprofit organization has a primary mission and/or programs that falls into one or more…

Does my nonprofit’s mission have to be CRA-qualified to get bank support?

A nonprofit does not have to qualify at a mission level to receive CRA support. While certain organizations have a mission that clearly meets the requirements of CRA, many organizations do not. If a nonprofit’s mission is not CRA-focused, it may still have programs or services that meet CRA requirements.  For example, a nonprofit’s mission may…

What supporting documents will a bank need?

Each bank has it’s own requirements for what types of documents they’d like to see for a bank.  The type of number of documents also varies depending on if a nonprofit is applying for a loan, completing a grant application or simply asking for volunteers from the bank. In general, the most common documents a…

How do I prove my program helps low-income people?

When a nonprofit is seeking CRA support from banks, the most common question will be if the nonprofit and/or its services and programs are focused on low- or moderate-income people or areas. Determining if a program or services meets these important criteria can be time-consuming and complex. Different federal agencies qualify low- and moderate-income in…

What happens during a CRA examination?

A bank’s CRA examination will be conducted by its federal regulatory agency which is assigned based on how the bank is chartered. This agency could be: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or OCC The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC The Federal Reserve Prior to examination, each regulator published a scheduled of…