September 10, 2024

ABA: Wisconsin Banker and Local Marketing President Receive Top Ag Banking Awards

The American Bankers Association today announced the recipients of its annual Bruning and Blanchfield Awards, the association’s premier awards presented for significant contributions to agricultural banking. ABA will honor Dave Coggins, retired senior vice president of ag banking at Nicolet National Bank based in Green Bay, Wis. with the Bruning Award and Carroll Merry, president of Countryside Marketing Inc. in Germantown, Wis., with the Blanchfield Award at the ABA Agricultural Bankers Conference, Nov. 12-15 in Milwaukee.

Bruning Award

“It’s a great honor to be a recipient of this award,” Coggins said. “There are so many high-quality bankers serving agriculture and its farmers throughout the country. To be numbered among that group is really special to me.”

Coggins, a native of Wisconsin who retired in June 2023, spent more than 40 years in ag banking as a lender, and respected industry leader. Throughout his career, Coggins was always eager to educate anyone interested in a career in agriculture, especially youth. During his time at Nicolet National Bank, Coggins participated in market animal shows, local fairs and was given the opportunity on behalf of his bank to donate to a charity or nonprofit each year. For the past several years, Coggins chose to use his donation to help The Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center, a venue dedicated to educating the public about agriculture through interactive exhibits and tours. He also participated in Junior Achievement, a program teaching business principles to fifth graders in the Manitowoc Wisconsin school system.

“I’ve always believed strongly in contributing to the communities we serve as a bank through financial support and meaningful community involvement,” Coggins said. “Banks are critical to our industry’s infrastructure and the bankers who serve our nation’s farmers tend to find ways to go beyond their day-to-day banking responsibilities to help make their communities strong.”

Coggins, who served on ABA’s Agricultural and Rural Bankers Committee for five years and was the committee chairman in 2022, thinks the future of the agriculture economy is bright. He believes that America is the most productive agricultural resource in the world with some of the best land, technology and farmers who produce a significant amount of high-quality agricultural products at an affordable price. 

“One day people may quit driving gas-powered cars, they may quit reading print newspapers or significantly change many of the things they consume, but they will always need to eat,” said Coggins. “I have an optimistic outlook for ag because even though prices go up and down, the 8 billion people in the world need food and American producers play a critical role in fulfilling that need.” 

Today, Coggins is a board member of the Wisconsin Soybean Association where he helps lobby in Washington and Madison on behalf of the soybean industry. Later this year he will also teach financial literacy to Wisconsin farmers for the first time. Coggins and his wife of 46 years, Laura, have three married children and 13 grandchildren.

Blanchfield Award

This year’s recipient, Carroll Merry, is president of Countryside Marketing, Inc., located in Germantown, Wis.

“I was blown away to hear I received this award,” said Merry. “I’m particularly honored to receive this national recognition because John Blanchfield has been a friend and colleague for many, many years.”

Merry has experience working with nearly a dozen clients, most of which are in the agricultural industry. 

“I’m a Wisconsin farm kid, 4-H, FFA and all, and can’t get it out of my system,” said Merry.

Merry worked in advertising and public relations with companies such as J I Case, Gehl Company and Massey Ferguson. He and his wife, Jean, founded Countryside Marketing in 1994 as a public relations and association management company.

After having just left sales and publishing roles with AgriMarketing and AgriFinance magazines, one of his first clients was the Farm Financial Standards Council, where he became the group’s administrator, a role he held for 30 years. Previously, he had also served as exhibits manager at the ABA’s Agricultural Bankers Conference and worked directly with Blanchfield as publisher of The Journal of Agricultural Lending.

In 2018 both Merrys were named to the Hall of Fame of the Agricultural Relations Council, a professional public relations society.

Along with other clients, he currently serves as executive director of the Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, a position he’s held since 2004. Locally, he is involved with the Germantown Chamber of Commerce and is in his fourth term as a member of the Washington County (WI) Board of Supervisors, an elected position.

Merry thrives on working behind-the-scenes to ensure his organization runs smoothly and industry professionals have the tools they need to succeed. His duties often include preparing and mentoring clients, writing scripts, taking photographs and managing event attendance. 

Merry advises people to take advantage of networking and the opportunities it can bring.

“My message to young professionals in the field is to become involved in industry organizations and network with their peers,” said Merry. “Network, learn, get to know each other, interface, and find out how other people are managing their situations and problems.”

Today, outside of work and always offering a helping hand to the agricultural community, Merry enjoys traveling with his wife, going on cruises, and spending time with their four children and seven grandchildren.

***NOTE TO EDITORS: Reporters enjoy complimentary access to the ABA Agricultural Bankers Conference in Milwaukee Nov. 12-15. View the full program and contact Sarah Grano ( to register.

This post was originally published here.