The U.S. Census Bureau is scheduled to hold a webinar explaining how to access data and online resources from the 2022 American Community Survey (ACS) set to be publicly released September 14. The webinar will also provide tips for comparing ACS geographies and statistics over time.
The American Community Survey provides a wide range of statistics about the nation’s people and housing, such as language spoken at home, education, commuting, employment, mortgage status and rent, income, poverty and health insurance coverage. It is the only source of local estimates for most of the 40-plus topics it covers.
The one-year statistics will be available to embargo subscribers beginning Sept. 12 at 10 a.m. ET for all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, all congressional districts and metropolitan statistical areas, and other geographic areas with populations of 65,000 or more.
Embargo subscribers will have access to these statistics from Tuesday, Sept. 12, at 10 a.m. ET, to Thursday, Sept. 14, at 12:01 a.m. ET. Wire and distribution services are prohibited from distributing embargoed news stories and data files before the public release date and time. For more information, view the Census Bureau’s embargo policy. All datasets will be available to the public by 10 a.m. ET, Sept. 14.
To register for embargo access, visit <>.
2022 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates Pre-Release Webinar
Thursday, Sept. 7, at 2 p.m. ET
- Gretchen Gooding, branch chief, American Community Survey Office.
- Maria Valdisera, program analyst, Center for Enterprise Dissemination.
- Jewel Jordan, public affairs specialist, Public Information Office.
The webinar will consist of a simultaneous audio conference and online presentation. Attendees do not need to call into the webinar to hear the audio. Credentialed media and data users will be able to ask questions during the webinar utilizing the Q&A feature and after the presentation through audio.
Registration and Access Link: