Community Development Test Characteristic
Investment, loan, and service activity
The institution has a high level of community development loans, community development services, or qualified investments, particularly investments that are not routinely provided by private investors. |
The institution has an adequate level of community development loans, community development services, or qualified investments, particularly investments that are not routinely provided by private investors. |
The institution has a poor level of community development loans, community development services, or qualified investments, particularly investments that are not routinely provided by private investors |
The institution has few, if any, community development loans, community development services, or qualified investments, particularly investments that are not routinely provided by private investors.
Investment, loan, and service initiatives
The institution extensively uses innovative or complex qualified investments, community development loans, or community development services.
The institution occasionally uses innovative or complex qualified investments, community development loans, or community development services. |
The institution rarely uses innovative or complex qualified investments, community development loans, or community development services. |
The institution does not use innovative or complex qualified investments, community development loans, or community development services. |
Responsiveness to community development needs
The institution exhibits excellent responsiveness to credit and community economic development needs in its assessment area(s).
The institution exhibits adequate responsiveness to credit and community economic development needs in its assessment area(s).
The institution exhibits poor responsiveness to credit and community economic needs in its assessment area(s).
The institution exhibits very poor responsiveness to credit and community economic development needs in its assessment area(s).
SOURCE: Wholesale/Limited Purpose CRA Examination Procedures | OCC, FRB, FDIC, and OTS | July 2007